
Hi! I'm Raj Patel.

A Web Developer with the enhance intellectual growth, knowledge, and provide the best of my abilities and technical skills to deliver diverse projects in a complex environment and to enhance the capacities of the organization where I shall work, and contribute in growth and development.

Highlighting on my Education.

Ganpat University [B.Tech Computer Engineer] - India(2015 - 2019).
L'institut Supérieur d'Informatique(ISI)
[PG Diploma (Programming and web-technologies)]
- Montréal, Quebec(Jan/2020 - Jan/2022).

Professional Experience.

MildBrains Technology [Software Engineer Intern & Technical Support Engineer].

Clickripple Digital Solutions [Web Developer Intern]

Intrested in working together?
Feel free to contact me. I'm open to new opportunities.
To know me better,
Please have a look on my CV:)

Out of the programming you’ll find me dreaming of soccer, playing video games, and petting all the good dogs.

Technical Skills


Online Cake Shopping: (Graduation Project, 2019)

Online cake shopping is a website where user can view different cakes and can able to buy it according to their choices.Additionally, The user can watch the video of the cake that he/she have selected.

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SNAPKART: (Class Project, 2019)

Snapkart is a Image Gallary website where user can SignUp, SignIn, Logout from the account. Main functionallity of the website is the user can Upload and Store there Images.

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Car’s Here: (Class Project, 2020)

Car's Here is a websit where users can look for the car's from a given list where they can view the details of the car's and their reviews too.

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Shoppy: ( Class Project, 2020)

Shoppy is a Android application where users can see different brands of shoes and they can buy the shoes of their own choice.

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Block Passing Game: (Class Project, 2020)

Block Passing Game is an Single player Game Where there is One Rectangle Box where User gets the control on 1 Block which is block A which can move left and right.On the other side there is block B Which pass from Top to Bottom in the same Box as block A. The main rule of the game is that Both the block should not touch each other, If they do so the game is over and the player have to start it again.

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Bell Boy: ( Final Project, 2021)

Bell Boy is a Android Application where Users can view and book the Hotels of their own choice.

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